Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Amendment XXI

Amendment XXI

 The eighteenth article of amendment to the Constitution of the United States is hereby repealed. 

The transportation or importation into any State, Territory, or possession of the United States for delivery or use therein of intoxicating liquors, in violation of the laws thereof, is hereby prohibited.

This article shall be inoperative unless it shall have been ratified as an amendment to the Constitution by conventions in the several States, as provided in the Constitution, within seven years from the date of the submission hereof to the States by the Congress.

This is how the 18th Amendment was repealed.  It changed the laws of liquor and delivery in the Us and it was important.  Its plain and simple I think.  This is one of the easier Amendments to understand. 
Image result for amendment 21

I think this image is funny from the Simpsons.  It's really funny but the to gives gist of it.

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